ARTICLES (5 / 5)

Vetta Data Team: Transforming Data into Customer Success With a holistic, customer-focused approach and measurable outcomes, the most complex challenges are tackled, leading clients to a new level of data excellence.
System Usability Scale (SUS): Enhancing the Usability of Your Products When we need to validate a product, the first thought that comes to mind is: usability testing. This method aims to evaluate certain aspects of the user experience to understand whether or not a...
10 Nielsen Heuristics - User Experience Design Principles With an increasingly virtual world, we see the advancement of digital platforms reaching points hitherto only dreamed of. Programs, websites and applications are already part of the daily lives of...
UX Writing and Product Design in Digital Steel Industry The article discusses the role of language and words in a digital experience. Language is the instrument that unites all the integral parts of a digital product.
The digital age of energy efficiency Data from 2019 show that 86% of the electricity produced in the world comes from non-renewable sources [1]. However, climate change, the scarcity of non-renewable fuels and projected growth in energy...
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